HP0626 LD 908 |
First Regular Session - 124th Maine Legislature Text:
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LR 315 Item 1 |
Bill Tracking | Chamber Status |
Resolve, To Authorize Efficiency Maine To Conduct a Pilot Conservation Program
Sec. 1. Pilot conservation program. Resolved: That Efficiency Maine, which has invested approximately $14,500,000 and saved the State over 80,000 megawatt-hours of electricity per year, is authorized to develop a pilot conservation program for the customers served by the Saco Bay transmission line similar to programs in other states in order to alleviate the need for large lines in the Saco Bay area; and be it further
Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That Efficiency Maine shall report on the status of the development of the pilot conservation program under section 1 and its plans to implement the pilot conservation program to the Joint Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy by February 15, 2010.
This resolve authorizes Efficiency Maine to develop a pilot conservation program for the customers served by the Saco Bay transmission line similar to programs in other states in order to alleviate the need for large lines in the Saco Bay area.