LD 1092 LR 1523(01)
An Act To Exempt from the Excise Tax Fuel Used in Certain Farm Trucks
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Piotti of Unity
Committee: Transportation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
2007-08 2008-09 Projections 2009-10 Projections 2010-11
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $562 $780 $800 $810
Highway Fund $405,695 $563,058 $577,683 $584,996
General Fund ($562) ($780) ($800) ($810)
Highway Fund ($405,695) ($563,058) ($577,683) ($584,996)
Other Special Revenue Funds ($9,843) ($13,661) ($14,017) ($14,195)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Exempting from the excise tax fuel used in certain farm trucks will reduce General Fund revenue by an estimated $562 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $780 in fiscal year 2008-09.  It will reduce Highway Fund revenue by an estimated $405,695 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $563,058 in fiscal year 2008-09.