LD 652 LR 2109(02)
Resolve, To Ensure Appropriate Personal Needs Allowances for Persons Residing in Long-term Care Facilities
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "     "
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
2007-08 2008-09 Projections 2009-10 Projections 2010-11
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $445,590 $594,120 $594,120 $594,120
General Fund $445,590 $594,120 $594,120 $594,120
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Provides an appropriation of $445,590 for 2007-08 (assuming an October 1, 2007 start date) and $594,120 for 2008-09, for the additional costs the State will need to pick up as a result of a $15 per month increase in the personal needs allowance for residential care/boarding home residents.  This assumes 2,960 residents will be allowed to keep an additional $15 for their personal needs allowance and 511 residents, for whom the State already pays an additional $5 per month, would be able to keep an additional $10.  These costs to the State are not Medicaid matchable.
$511 $10 $5,110 $61,320
$2,960 $15 $44,400 $532,800
$594,120 $445,590.00