SP0731 First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 2709
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Joint Order Directing the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation To Study Certain Transportation-related Matters

the House concurring, that the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation study certain transportation-related matters as follows.

1. Duties. The Joint Standing Committee on Transportation shall:

AExamine the physical and functional features of and jurisdictional responsibilities over the current collector and state aid highway networks;BReview the evolution of state and federal law governing the current collector and state aid highway networks;CIdentify inequities experienced by municipalities as a result of current law regarding jurisdictional responsibilities over and funding of the current collector and state aid highway networks;DCompare Maine with other states on matters of jurisdiction over and financing of major and minor collector highways;E Assess the need to:1Coordinate existing multiple highway classification systems;2Adjust jurisdictional responsibilities for highway maintenance;3Adjust jurisdictional responsibilities for capital improvement of highways;4Amend the level of funding and the distribution formula under the Urban-Rural Initiative Program under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 23, section 1803-B;5Increase financial resources for maintenance and capital improvement of highways; and6Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance and capital improvement methods; andFDevelop recommendations to address identified issues and needs related to the subject matter of this study and identify the anticipated positive and negative impacts to property tax valuations and rates, local road conditions and state aid collector road conditions resulting from those recommendations.

2. Meetings. The Joint Standing Committee on Transportation may meet up to 4 times during the 2007 interim for the purpose of conducting this study. The committee may request authorization from the Legislative Council for additional meetings.

3. Staff assistance. The Legislative Council shall provide necessary staffing services to the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation for this study.

4. Compensation. Committee members are entitled to receive the legislative per diem and reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses related to their attendance at authorized meetings.

5. Funding. To the extent funding for the study described in this joint order is provided from the Highway Fund by appropriate allocation or other provision of law, the committee is funded from such funds. If such funding is not provided, or if the committee requires additional funding, the committee may be funded from other available funding sources as approved by the Legislative Council.

6. Legislation. The Joint Standing Committee on Transportation may submit a bill during the Second Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature relating to the subject matter of the committee's study pursuant to this joint order.

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