LD 1509
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 1208
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Protect Nursing Facilities

Sec. 1. Additional funding for nursing facilities with disproportionate share of MaineCare residents. Resolved: That the Department of Health and Human Services shall amend its principles of reimbursement for nursing facilities to provide that a nursing facility that receives reimbursement from MaineCare for more than 70% of its residents must receive an additional 0.5% in reimbursement for each 5% increment that its percentage of MaineCare patients exceeds 70%, rounded to the nearest 5% increment.


This resolve directs the Department of Health and Human Services to amend its principles of reimbursement for nursing facilities to provide that a nursing facility that receives reimbursement from MaineCare for more than 70% of its residents must receive an additional 0.5% in reimbursement for each 5% increment that its percentage of MaineCare patients exceeds 70%, rounded to the nearest 5% increment.

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