LD 1350
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 2253
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, Authorizing the Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands To Convey Interests of the State in Land in Lincolnville

Sec. 1. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands directed to convey certain real estate. Resolved: That the Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation shall transfer the State’s fee interest in 2 parcels of land located in Lincolnville, County of Waldo to the Town of Lincolnville.

Parcel No. 1
Beginning at a concrete monument set at the southeasterly sideline of U.S. Route #1, at land now or formerly of one Griffin; thence, south forty degrees thirty-eight minutes east (S 40º 38’ E) a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125’) feet to an iron pin; thence, north fifty-five degrees thirty-two minutes east (N 55º 32’ E) a distance of one hundred eighty-four and thirty-five hundredths feet (184.35’), to an iron pin; thence, south forty degrees five minutes east (S 40º 05’ E), a distance of four hundred eighty-three and ninety-five hundredths (483.95’) feet to an iron pin; thence, north fifty-nine degrees thirty-four minutes six seconds east (N 59º 34’ 06” E) a distance of one hundred seventy-one and seventy-eight hundredths feet (171.78’) to an iron pin; thence, south thirty degrees fifty-three minutes east (S 30º 53’ E), a distance of sixteen and five tenths feet (16.5’) to an iron pin; thence, north fifty-seven degrees forty-four minutes thirty-six seconds east (N 57º 44’ 36” E), a distance of forty-one and fifty-seven hundredths feet (41.57’) to an iron pin set near the high water mark of the southwesterly shore of the Duck Trap River; thence, continuing on the same course to the high water mark of said Duck Trap River; thence, southerly, easterly, southerly and southwesterly along the high water mark of said Duck Trap River and Penobscot Bay a distance of six hundred seventy-seven feet (677’), more or less, to a point at the high water mark of said Penobscot Bay; thence, north fifty-four degrees fifty-nine minutes forty-five seconds west (N 54º 59’ 45” W) a distance of twenty-five (25’) feet, more or less, to a concrete monument; thence, continuing on the same course of north fifty-four degrees, fifty-nine minutes forty-five seconds west (N54º 59’ 45” W), a distance of eighty-eight and eighty-five hundredths feet (88.85’) to an iron pin at a corner of two stone walls; thence, north eighty-seven degrees forty-five minutes five seconds west (N 87º 45’ 05” W) along a stone wall, a distance of two hundred two and nine hundredths feet (202.09’) to an iron pin set in said stone wall; thence, south seventy degrees ten minutes fifty seconds west (S 70º 10’ 50” W), a distance of sixty-four and seventy-five hundredths feet (64.75’) to an iron pin at the end of said stone wall; thence, south sixty degrees twelve minutes fifty-five seconds west (S 60º 12’ 55” W) along the remains of a wire fence a distance of one hundred ninety-three and fifteen hundredths feet (193.15’) to an iron pin set at the corner of two stone walls; thence, north thirty-eight degrees three minutes fifteen seconds west (N 38º 03’ 15”) along a stone wall a distance of five hundred ten and eight-four hundredths feet (510.84’) to an iron pin set in said stone wall; thence, north forty-five degrees twenty-four minutes seven seconds east (N 45º 24’ 7” E) a distance of one hundred two and sixty-five hundredths (102.65’) feet to an iron pin; thence, north thirty-nine degrees forty-eight minutes forty-two seconds west (N 39º 48’ 42” W), a distance of eighty-five and fifty-nine hundredths feet (85.59’) to a concrete monument set at the southeasterly sideline of said U.S. Route #1; thence, north forty-one degrees twenty-four minutes forty-eight seconds east (N 41º 24’ 48” E) along the southeasterly sideline of said U.S. Route #1, a distance of one hundred twenty-one and ninety-five hundredths (121.95’) to the point of beginning. Containing seven and two hundred five thousandths acres (7.205 AC).
All bearings and courses given are based on Magnetic North as of 1971 A.D.
Meaning and intending to convey that property shown on Plan of land entitled “State Park and Recreation Commission Property” Lincolnville, Maine, by Sagadahoc Land Surveying Service, Shirley F. Beal, Registered Land Surveyor, Seal #257, dated July 1971, and recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 8, Page 76.
See deed from Elizabeth H. Griffin, Colin L. Coombs, Alice K. Coombs and Leonard R. Coombs to State of Maine dated August 18, 1971 and recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds in Book 691, Page 192.
Parcel No. 2
Beginning at the intersection of the present southeasterly line of State Highway “26” and the northeasterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al;
Thence S. 39º 30’ 47” E. along the northeasterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al, eighty-five and forty-seven hundredths (85.47) feet to a point;
Thence S. 45º 20’ 40” W. along the southeasterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al, one hundred eight and ninety-three hundredths (108.93) feet to a point;
Thence S. 38º 36’ 39” E. along the northeasterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al, five hundred nine and forty-one hundredths (509.41) feet to a point;
Thence S. 54º 39’ 24” W. along the easterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al, one hundred fifty-three and sixty-nine hundredths (153.69) feet to a point;
Thence N. 41º 29’ 54” W. along the southwesterly line of land now or formerly of Wesley R. Giles, et al, five hundred fifty-five and sixty-three hundredths (555.68) feet to a point in the present southeasterly line of State Highway “26” (U.S. Route 1);
Thence northeasterly along the present southeasterly line of State Highway “26” about two hundred ninety (290) feet to the point of beginning;
The above described lot of land contains about 2.45± acres.
See Notice of Layout and Taking dated May 21, 1985 and recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds in Book 853, Page 14.


This resolve authorizes the transfer of certain public lands to the Town of Lincolnville.

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