LD 1317
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 1872
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

An Act To Require a Minimum Number of Votes in a Primary To Continue To Qualify as a Maine Clean Election Act Candidate

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1125, sub-§5-A  is enacted to read:

5-A Minimum number of votes in primary election required.   In order to continue to be a certified candidate for State Senator or State Representative, such a certified candidate who participates in a primary election must receive at least 25 votes in that primary election.


This bill provides that in order to continue to be a certified candidate for State Senator or State Representative under the Maine Clean Election Act, such a certified candidate who participates in a primary election must receive at least 25 votes in that primary election.

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