LD 2028 LR 3131(05)
An Act To Establish a Computer Crimes Unit within the Maine State Police Crime Laboratory
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment "   "
Sponsor: Sen. Rotundo
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 ($111,185) ($118,412) ($122,917)
Highway Fund $0 ($189,313) ($201,619) ($209,288)
General Fund  $0 ($111,185) ($118,412) ($122,917)
Highway Fund $0 ($189,313) ($201,619) ($209,288)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $275,000 $293,819 $305,259
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $0 $0 $0
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment replaces the General Fund appropriation of $111,185 and Highway Fund allocation of $189,313 in fiscal year 2006-07 to create a Computer Crimes Unit within the State Police program at the Department of Public Safety with an Other Special Revenue Funds allocation of $275,000 in fiscal year 2006-07 for the same purpose.  Funding is accomplished by a realignment of the distribution of the Government Operations Surcharge Fund.  The two-sevenths share of revenue for that fund that is directed to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy is reduced to three-fourteenths with the remaining one-fourteenth being directed to the Maine State Police for computer crimes investigations.  Beginning in fiscal year 2006-07, this shift in annual revenue distribution means an estimated reduction of $289,153 for the Maine Criminal Justice Academy and an equal increase in revenue for the Maine State Police program. The reduction in annual revenue to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy represents a surplus resource which is not currently needed for operational costs.