LD 1871 LR 3061(07)
Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services To Convey the Department of Labor Building at 19 Union Street in Augusta
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment "   " to Senate Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Sen. Rotundo
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment adds authorization in Part B to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services to determine the feasibility of acquiring a parcel of land across from the Criminal Justice Academy with consultation with the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety.  The current market value of the property is not known at this time.  The cost to consult and determine the feasibilty of purchase is expected to be minor.  The amended bill retains the authorization already in the bill to use up to $1.8 million from the Capital Construction and Improvements Reserve Fund to purchase the Department of Labor building.