LD 1766 LR 3021(07)
An Act to Further the Implementation of the Essential Programs and Services Funding Model
Fiscal Note for House Amendment "   " 
Sponsor: Rep. Edgecomb
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Undetermined future biennium impact - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Removing the provisions of the bill that were duplicated in Public Law 2005, chapter 519, Part AAAA will not affect the fiscal impact of the bill.
As amended, this bill amends the regional adjustment to the salary and benefit costs of teachers and other school personnel that are based on labor market areas.  Setting the labor market adjustment to 1.0 for all labor market areas in the State beginning in fiscal year 2007-08 will result in some school administrative units receiving more subsidy and some school administrative units receiving less subsidy.  The impact to individual school units can not be determined at this time.  The net impact to the total state and local cost of funding K-12 public education beginning in fiscal year 2007-08 also can not be determined at this time.