LD 1745 LR 2490(02)
An Act To Provide State Funding for the Fingerprinting of School Personnel
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "   "
Committee: Education and Cultural Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $740,832 $369,929 $369,929
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $370,903 $0 $0
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($369,929) ($369,929) ($369,929)
General Fund  $0 ($740,832) ($369,929) ($369,929)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $740,831 $369,929 $369,929
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill will cost the General Fund $740,832 in fiscal year 2006-07.  This includes $370,903 to reimburse school personnel who have already paid for fingerprinting and criminal history record checks since the fee became effective in September of 2005 and $369,929 for new fingerprinting and criminal history record checks of school personnel.  This bill includes language authorizing an annual transfer of funds from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to the Criminal History Record Check Fund within the Department of Education beginning in fiscal year 2006-07.  This bill also includes an additional one-time Other Special Revenue Funds allocation of $370,903 in fiscal year 2006-07 for the Criminal History Record Check Fund for the one-time reimbursement cost.