LD 1595 LR 2080(02)
An Act To Rebalance Maine's Tax Code
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "   "
Committee: Taxation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $0 $0 ($39,694,830)
General Fund $788,921 $126,420,507 $82,275,617 $36,820,273
Other Special Revenue Funds ($708,506) $1,383,499 $1,859,902 $1,911,663
General Fund $53,648,639 $81,342,639 $78,472,536 $76,515,103
Other Special Revenue Funds $141,126 $2,480,182 $2,663,861 $2,532,585
General Fund ($52,859,718) $45,077,868 $3,803,081 $0
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $0 $694,905 $0
Fiscal Detail and Notes Projections Projections
General Fund Summary of Cost (Savings) 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Income tax changes $26,889,480 $69,269,635 $74,093,563 $79,336,009
Health Savings Accounts $579,852 $500,327 $560,051 $608,756
Homestead Property Tax Reimbursement $0 $36,267,826 $36,435,172 $36,602,518
Circuit breaker maximum benefit to $3,000 $0 $14,416,779 $16,322,243 $17,739,825
Expand sales/service provider tax base ($43,279,151) ($104,593,637) ($107,703,870) ($111,141,827)
Meals and lodging to 8%, auto rentals to 15% ($15,450,859) ($25,200,353) ($25,700,948) ($26,700,894)
Beer and wine tax increase ($8,200,000) ($12,400,000) ($12,400,000) ($12,400,000)
Soft drink tax ($5,299,542) ($12,012,294) ($12,252,540) ($12,497,591)
Real estate transfer tax ($8,888,419) ($11,323,096) ($11,391,035) ($11,459,381)
Maine Budget Stabilization Fund transfer $52,859,718 ($45,077,868) ($4,497,986) $0
General Purpose Aid for Local Schools $0 $89,953,276 $45,632,067 $0
Fund for Efficient Delivery of Educ. Services $0 $0 $694,905 $0
Administrative costs $788,921 $199,405 $208,378 $217,755
$0 $0 $0 ($39,694,830)