LD 1481 LR 1981(43)
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Enactment Procedures for Ordinances
Fiscal Note for House Amendment "   " to Committee Amendment "C "
Sponsor: Rep. Twomey
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Exempted State Mandate
State Mandate
New or Expanded Activity Unit Affected Costs
This legislation may require a municipality to schedule an expedited special meeting to vote on a citizen petition for an ordinance change to amend or nullify a land use permit, which may represent a state mandate pursuant to Article IX, section 21 of the Maine constitution.  Pursuant to the Mandate Preamble, the two-thirds vote of all members elected to each House exempts the State from the constitutional requirement  to fund 90% of the additional local costs. Municipality Insignificant