LD 1381 LR 1263(08)
An Act To Update Teachers' Minimum Salaries
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment "   " to Committee Amendment "   "
Sponsor: Senator Mitchell
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 ($3,110,809) ($43,212) ($63,226)
General Fund  $0 ($3,110,809) ($43,212) ($63,226)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment reduces the total General Fund cost of the bill by $3,110,809 in fiscal year 2006-07.  Because this amendment still requires local school administrative units to establish a minimum salary of $27,000 for certified teachers for the school year starting after June 30, 2006 and $30,000 for the school year starting after June 30, 2007 and each subsequent year thereafter, this legislation is still a State mandate.  This amendment does provide for the total cost of increasing the minimum teachers salary to be funded by the State beginning in fiscal year 2006-07.
As amended, this bill increases the minimum teacher salary to $27,000 in fiscal year 2006-07 and $30,000 in fiscal year 2007-08.  The total cost of the provision in fiscal year 2006-07 is estimated to be $661,229 of which $623,566 is associated with the salary adjustment and $37,663 is associated with the increase in the employer contributions of the normal cost component of the Maine State Retirement System due to the salary increase.  Because sufficient funds remain within the targeted student assessment funds that had been identified as being available to support the costs associated with the salary adjustment within the fiscal year 2006-07 General Fund appropriation for General Purpose Aid for Local Schools program, no additional General Fund appropriation is required.  
The total cost of the provision in fiscal year 2007-08 is estimated to be $2,118,308 of which $1,997,650 is associated with the salary adjustment and $120,658 is associated with the increase in the employer contributions of the normal cost component of the Maine State Retirement System due to the salary increase.  As amended, this bill provides that it is the intention of the Legislature that $2,118,308 be appropriated in fiscal year 2007-08 to support the costs associated with the salary increase, including the teacher retirement costs.  The total cost to the State to fund the increase in the minimum teacher salary beginning in fiscal year 2008-09 can not be determined at this time.