LD 1021 LR 0263(14)
An Act To Implement Task Force Recommendations Relating to Parity and Portability of Benefits for Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment "   " to Committee Amendment "   "
Sponsor: Sen. Courtney
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $0 ($3,413,255) ($3,810,148)
General Fund  $0 $0 ($3,413,255) ($3,810,148)
Other Funds $0 ($195,750) ($410,292) ($429,986)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The numbers above represent the incremental differences between the majority report and this amendment. The amendment's provision defining eligibility as retirees age 55 and older with 25 years of service is estimated to reduce the number of participants in the premium subsidy program from 950 to approximately 575. The amendment reduces the employee contribution from 1.5% to 1% of wages. The amendment provides for an annual transfer from the Maine Budget Stabilization Fund to fund the net costs of the State's premium subsidy -- this transfer is estimated to be $2.3 million in FY 2007-08 and $2.6 million in FY 2008-09. The amendment moves administration of the program to the Dirigo Health Agency.
Funding Summary - as Amended
Projections Projections
2007-08 2008-09
Total Estimated Subsidy $3,015,159 $3,316,675
Estimated Administrative Costs $109,392 $111,894
  Total Estimated Costs $3,124,551 $3,428,569
Estimated Collections from 1.0% Assessment ($820,584) ($859,972)
Transfer from Budget Stabilization Fund ($2,303,967) ($2,568,597)
General Fund Subsidy Net of Assessments $0 $0