LD 146 LR 0187(02)
An Act To Repeal the Tax on Private Nonmedical Institutions
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $8,949,918 $9,173,666 $9,403,008 $9,638,084
General Fund $8,949,918 $9,173,666 $9,403,008 $9,638,084
Federal Expenditures Fund ($8,949,918) ($9,173,666) ($9,403,008) ($9,638,084)
Other Special Revenue Funds ($18,570,324) ($19,034,583) ($19,510,448) ($19,998,211)
Federal Expenditures Fund ($8,949,918) ($9,173,666) ($9,403,008) ($9,638,084)
Other Special Revenue Funds ($16,878,818) ($17,300,789) ($17,733,390) ($18,176,641)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Assumes the elimination of PNMI service provider tax Other Special Revenue (OSR) Funds revenue consistent with the March 2005 Revenue Forecasting Committee updated forecast for the PNMI tax.  Assumes a reduction in OSR and federal allocations consistent with the elimination of increased payments to PNMIs and the shifting of General Fund costs to OSR Funds. And lastly, assumes the General Fund savings that were achieved by shifting formerly General Fund costs to OSR Funds would be lost if the tax is eliminated.  Assumes a 7/1/05 effective date.