LD 94 LR 0590(02)
An Act to Credit Utility Customers with Certain Amounts Paid as Fines
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Utilities and Energy
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential current biennium decrease to unbudgeted revenue - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill removes the requirement that penalty amounts that exceed enforcement expenses be transferred to the General Fund and allows expanded use of the funds within the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund.  The Public Utilities Commission does not project any estimated penalty balances being transferred to the General Fund in the current budget.  Therefore, if the Public Utilities Commission does levy fines and the expenses associated with the enforcement activities that resulted in their collection are less than the fines, any revenue loss to the General Fund from this bill would be to unbudgeted revenue.   There have been penalty amounts collected in the past that did exceed expenses and that excess was transferred to the General Fund.