LD 31 LR 0341(01)
An Act To Establish the Administrative Operating Budget for the Maine State Retirement System for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2006
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Smith of Van Buren
Committee: Labor
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Consistent with Budgeted Amounts - General Fund
Consistent with Budgeted Amounts - Highway Fund
Consistent with Budgeted Amounts - Fund for a Health Maine
Consistent with Budgeted Amounts - Other Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill establishes the administrative operating budget for the Maine State Retirement System for fiscal year 2005-06 in the amount of $10,457,865.  Eighty-three percent of this amount, $8,633,092, is paid by the State with the General Fund's share estimated at 68%, or $7,082,660.  The proposed current services budget for the 2006-2007 biennium includes funds sufficient for the State's share of the system's fiscal year 2005-06 operating costs.