LD 1674
pg. 2
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LR 2365
Item 1

Sec. 2. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain real estate in Wyman Township, County of Franklin. Resolved: That the
Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of
Conservation may by quitclaim deed without covenant convey for
appraised fair market value, and on such other terms and conditions
as the director may direct, to Gareth V. Warren a certain lot of
land in Wyman Township, Maine, being approximately 0.36 of an acre
in size for purposes of a septic system, said land being located on
Routes 16 and 27 in Wyman Township (portion of Book 1153, Page 211,
Franklin County Registry of Deeds). Such lot or parcel of land is
more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe
found in the southwesterly sideline of Routes 16 and 27 and at the
northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Gareth V. Warren
and at the northwesterly corner of land of the grantor herein, said
pipe lying approximately two hundred and fifty feet (250'+/-)
southeasterly of the intersection of said road sideline with
"Stoney Brook"; thence south nineteen degrees fifty-one minutes
west a distance of four hundred and fifty-four and six-tenths feet
(S 19 51'W 454.6') along said Warren land to an iron pipe found at
the southeasterly corner of said Warren land; thence south seventy-
nine degrees forty-seven minutes east a distance of eight and no
tenths feet (S 79 47' E 8.0') along land to be retained by the
grantor herein to an iron pin set; thence north thirty-three
degrees eleven minutes east a distance of one hundred and thirty-
nine and three-tenths feet (N 33 11' E 139.3') along said retained
land to an iron pin set; thence north nineteen degrees fifty-one
minutes east a distance of three hundred and three and eight-tenths
feet (N19 51' E 303.8') along said retained land to an iron pin
set in the aforesaid road sideline; thence north fifty-one degrees
two minutes west a distance of forty-two and three-tenths feet (N
51 02' W 42.3') along said road sideline to the point and place of
beginning, and containing thirty-six hundredths of an acre (0.36
ac). The courses recited herein are based on a survey performed by
York Hill Surveying of Vienna, Maine and depicted on a plan
entitled "Gareth V. Warren" by said York Hill dated April 28, 2004.
Bearings are oriented to a magnetic reference meridian depicted on
said plan. Iron pins set are #5 rebar. The 0.36 acre is a portion
of those premises described in a deed from J. M. Huber Corporation
to the State of Maine dated October 16, 1989, and recorded April 2,
1990 in the Franklin County Registry of Deeds in Book 1153, Page
211; and be it further

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