LD 105
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LD 105 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 91 LD 105 Title Page
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LR 373
Item 1


H.P. 81 - L.D. 105

Resolve, Concerning Temporary Guardianship Laws

Sec. 1. Convene working group on temporary guardianship laws. Resolved: That the
Department of Health and Human Services convene a working group that
includes, but is not limited to, representatives of the Disability Rights
Center and the Probate Courts to review the laws and practices concerning
temporary guardianships to determine if wards are adequately protected
and the due process afforded to wards is adequate. The working group
shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary by January 15,
2006 with findings and recommendations. The Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary may submit legislation to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature in response to the report.

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