LD 1612
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LD 1612 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 63 LD 1612 Title Page
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LR 898
Item 1


S.P. 594 - L.D. 1612

Resolve, To Ensure Proper Handling by the E-9-1-1 System of

Calls Made by Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard-of-hearing or


Sec. 1. Development of adequate systems and testing. Resolved: That the Public
Utilities Commission, Emergency Services Communication Bureau
shall convene a stakeholders group, including representatives of
dispatch centers that handle E-9-1-1 calls and the Maine Center
on Deafness, to examine how to ensure that the E-9-1-1 system
adequately handles calls made by persons who are deaf, hard-of-
hearing or speech-impaired. The stakeholder group shall examine
training needs and procedures, system standards and testing
procedures as well as any other matters necessary to ensure that
the E-9-1-1 system adequately handles calls made by persons who
are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Public Utilities Commission,
Emergency Services Communication Bureau shall, no later than
January 15, 2006, report to the Joint Standing Committee on
Utilities and Energy the results of the stakeholder process
established under section 1 and any recommendations for further
actions. The report must include legislation necessary to
implement recommendations of the bureau; and be it further

Sec. 3. Authority to report legislation. Resolved: That the Joint Standing
Committee on Utilities and Energy may report out legislation relating to
the subject matter of this resolve to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature.

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