LD 1160
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LD 1160 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 37 Page 2 of 2
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LR 1052
Item 1


H.P. 803 - L.D. 1160

Resolve, To Increase Wetland Protection

Sec. 1. Tier 1 freshwater wetland alteration permitting; report. Resolved: That the
Department of Environmental Protection shall evaluate the
resources necessary to apply all the standards in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 480-D to projects eligible
for Tier 1 freshwater wetland review. The department's
evaluation must include consideration of cumulative impacts,
staff time, regulatory processing time, fees and the benefits of
applying all the standards to Tier 1 review. The department
shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources
with any recommendations, including proposed legislation, by
February 1, 2006. The department's recommendations may not
jeopardize any current single permit review process. The Joint
Standing Committee on Natural Resources is authorized to report
out legislation related to the department's evaluation to the
Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature; and be it

Sec. 2. Freshwater wetland compensation proposal; report. Resolved: That the
Department of Environmental Protection shall work with the
Executive Department, State Planning Office and other interested
parties to develop a proposal for a freshwater wetland
compensation program for freshwater wetlands that require a Tier
1 review process, to review the wetlands exemptions contained in
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, chapter 3, subchapter 1,
article 5-A and to recommend changes to ensure adequate
protection of regulated freshwater wetlands. The Department of
Environmental Protection shall report to the Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources on its proposal and
recommendations by February 1, 2006 and submit proposed

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