LD 1458
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LR 535
Item 1

3. The surface of the route of travel must be maintained in an
orderly and attractive manner by and at the cost of Leo J. Davis,
his heirs or assigns. In the event that the route of travel is not
maintained in a reasonable manner and thereby detracts from the
appearance of the Elizabeth Levinson Center grounds and facilities,
the easement becomes void.

4. The Director of the Elizabeth Levinson Center may review
the proposed easement for purposes of safety as it relates to the
users of the Elizabeth Levinson Center and consult with the
Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services and Leo J.
Davis with regard to any necessary changes to ensure the safety
of the Elizabeth Levinson Center's users.

5. The easement subject to the provisions of this resolve may
not be granted until a survey of the property across which the
proposed easement is to be granted has been completed and filed
with the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.
The surveyor selected to undertake the survey must be mutually
agreed upon by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services and Leo J. Davis and, upon completion of the survey, the
surveyor shall file a copy of the survey with the Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services. The cost of the survey
must be borne by Leo J. Davis.

6. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services
shall have an opinion of value prepared by an independent
appraiser to determine the current market value of the easement.
The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall
transfer the easement upon such terms and conditions as are in
the best interests of the State. Any proceeds from the transfer
of the easement to Leo J. Davis must be deposited in an account
to be determined by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Deputy Commissioner of Finance for the benefit of the Elizabeth
Levinson Center; and be it further

Sec. 2. Repeal. Resolved: That this resolve is repealed 3 years
after it takes effect.

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