LD 1847
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LR 2986
Item 1

5. The need for, or benefit of, the State's instituting a
precertification program for bona fide independent contractors
similar to programs in Montana and other states; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Department of Labor, after
consultation with interested parties, shall submit a report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over labor matters by January 15, 2007 regarding
this resolve. The report must include findings, recommendations
and any proposed implementing legislation. The joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over labor
matters may report out legislation relating to the subject matter
of this resolve to the First Regular Session of the 123rd
Legislature; and be it further

Sec. 3. Participants in study. Resolved: That, in conducting the study
under section 1 and preparing the report under section 2, the
Department of Labor shall call upon interested parties to
participate and offer comment and shall offer equal participation
to representatives of both management and labor interests,
including, but not limited to, representatives of:

1. Contractors who employ the services of subcontractors;

2. Self-employed, unincorporated subcontractors;

3. Persons engaged in the installation of flooring materials;

4. Attorneys who practice in labor law, including the areas
of unemployment compensation and workers' compensation law; and
be it further

Sec. 4. Funding. Resolved: That the Department of Labor shall seek
outside funds from the Federal Government, nonprofit foundations
and other appropriate public or private sources to fund the costs
of the study. Contributions to support the study may not be
accepted from any party having a pecuniary or other

vested interest in the outcome of the matters being studied. To
the extent that outside contributions are inadequate to pay for
all costs of the study, the department shall make every effort to
complete the study and report within existing budgeted resources.

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