LD 1338
pg. 1
LD 1338 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 143 LD 1338 Title Page
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LR 863
Item 1


S.P. 465 - L.D. 1338

Resolve, To Require the Reporting of Mercury Amalgam

Supplied to Dentists

Sec. 1. Report concerning amalgam fillings. Resolved: That, annually by January
1st of 2007, 2008 and 2009, any person that supplies mercury amalgam to
dentists or dental offices in this State shall report to the Department
of Environmental Protection the volume of amalgam the person supplied to
dentists and dental offices in this State during the prior year.
Annually by February 1st of 2007, 2008 and 2009, the Department of
Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Board of Dental
Examiners, shall report the quantity of amalgam supplied to dentists and
dental offices in this State to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources matters. For the
purposes of this section, "person" means an individual, partnership,
corporation or other legal entity.

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