LD 1614
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LR 173
Item 1

funding and programs; monitoring quality of life indicators;
communication; technical assistance; and evaluation of health
initiatives; and be it further

Sec. 2. Public Health Work Group. Resolved: That the Public Health Work
Group created under the State Health Plan shall establish 2
subcommittees, the Coalition Core Competencies Subcommittee and
the Interdepartmental Subcommittee, and appoint the members of
those subcommittees in compliance with the following:

1. The Coalition Core Competencies Subcommittee must be
cochaired by the member of the Maine Network of Healthy
Communities and the member of the Maine Center for Public Health
that sit on the Public Health Work Group. The subcommittee shall
develop core competencies, functions and performance standards
for comprehensive community health coalitions. The subcommittee
shall report on its work to the Public Health Work Group and to
the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by
August 30, 2006; and

2. The Interdepartmental Subcommittee members must include
representatives of Communities for Children, the Governor's
Office of Health Policy and Finance, the Department of Health and
Human Services and that department's Office of Substance Abuse
and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the
Department of Education, the Department of Corrections, the
Department of Conservation and the Department of Transportation.
The subcommittee shall inventory resources and develop a plan to
integrate some funding sources to support the public health
priorities and functions identified in the State Health Plan.
Each state agency member of the subcommittee shall determine how
to integrate the core competencies, functions and performance
standards into the work and funding decisions of that member's
agency. The subcommittee shall report on its work to the Public
Health Work Group and to the Joint Standing Committee on Health
and Human Services by October 30, 2006.

By January 1, 2007, the Public Health Work Group shall report
to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human

Services on any action that it has taken with regard to core
competencies, functions and performance standards for
comprehensive community health coalitions and the resource
inventory and integration of funding sources. The report must
also include identification of administrative units and regions
for the purposes of administration, funding and the effective and
efficient delivery of public health services.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.

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