LD 1710
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LD 1710 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 135 Page 2 of 8
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LR 2952
Item 1


H.P. 1217 - L.D. 1710

Resolve, Authorizing the State Tax Assessor To Convey the

Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the

Unorganized Territory

Sec. 1. State Tax Assessor authorized to convey real estate. Resolved: That the
State Tax Assessor is authorized to convey by sale the interest
of the State in real estate in the Unorganized Territory as
indicated in this resolve. Except as otherwise directed in this
resolve, the sale must be made to the highest bidder subject to
the following provisions.

1. Notice of the sale must be published 3 times prior to the
sale, once each week for 3 consecutive weeks, in a newspaper in
the county where the real estate lies except in those cases in
which the sale is to be made to a specific individual or
individuals as authorized in this resolve, in which case notice
need not be published.

2. A parcel may not be sold for less than the amount
authorized in this resolve. If identical high bids are received,
the bid postmarked with the earliest date is considered the
highest bid.

If bids in the minimum amount recommended in this resolve are
not received after the notice, the State Tax Assessor may sell
the property for not less than the minimum amount without again
asking for bids if the property is sold on or before April 1,

Employees of the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of Revenue Services and spouses, siblings,

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