LD 1498
pg. 3
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LR 256
Item 1

2005 to fully fund all costs of the committee, no meetings are
authorized and no expenses of any kind may be incurred or
reimbursed. Contributions to support the work of the committee
may not be accepted from any party having a pecuniary or other
vested interest in the outcome of the matters being studied. The
Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall
establish an account to receive donations and other funds raised
for the memorial. All funds accepted must be forwarded to the
department along with an accounting record that includes the
amount of funds, date the funds were received, from whom the
funds were received and the purpose and any limitation on the use
of the funds. The Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of General Services shall administer any funds
received. The Department of Administrative and Financial
Services must transfer $1,260 to the Legislature at the beginning
of the fiscal year for the payment of per diem and expenses of
the Legislators; and be it further

Sec. 10. Consultation; reports. Resolved: That, no later than January 2,
2006, the committee shall submit its initial report for review by
the Capitol Planning Commission. A final report must be
submitted to the Capitol Planning Commission by March 1, 2006.
Upon submission of its required reports, the committee
terminates; and be it further

Sec. 11. Coordination with Capitol Planning Commission. Resolved: That, no
later than January 15, 2006, the Capitol Planning Commission
shall submit its initial report to the Joint Standing Committee
on State and Local Government identifying where, within the
Capitol Planning District boundaries, it intends to establish a
memorial park. The initial report must also include criteria for
the types of memorials permitted, the method for submission and
the approval of a memorial and the criteria for material, design
and scale of proposed memorials. The final report to the Joint
Standing Committee on State and Local Government is due on March
15, 2006. If a suitable location for the emergency medical
services memorial cannot be located within the memorial park,
then the memorial may be located adjacent to the existing police
and firefighters memorials; and be it further

Sec. 12. Appropriations and allocations. Resolved: That the following
appropriations and allocations are made.



Buildings and Grounds Operations 0080

Initiative: Provides funds for the expenses of members of the

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