LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

*PART 19


Sec. A-11. 7 MRSA §1034, as amended by PL 2005, c. 294, §18, is
further amended to read:

§1034. Inspection

As a part of an annual plan proposed and approved pursuant to
section 1033, subsection 4, the The Maine Potato Board may employ
inspectors and may require payments for inspection at a rate and
schedule to be established by rule by the commissioner. The
commissioner shall develop proposed rules.

Sec. A-12. 7 MRSA §2902-B, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 270, §3,
is reallocated to 7 MRSA §2902-B, sub-§5.

Sec. A-13. 7 MRSA §2954, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2005, c. 396, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Commission empowered to establish prices; public hearing.
The commission is vested with the power to establish and change,
after investigation and public hearing, the minimum wholesale and
retail prices to be paid to producers, dealers and stores for
milk received, purchased, stored, manufactured, processed,
distributed or otherwise handled within the State. The
commission shall hold a public hearing prior to the establishing
or changing of such minimum prices. The commission may proceed,
however, under the emergency rule-making provisions of Title 5,
section 8054 without making findings of emergency when the only
changes to be made in the minimum prices are to conform with the
orders of any federal or other agency duly authorized by law to
establish or negotiate producer prices, are to respond to other
conditions affecting prevailing Class I, Class II and Class III
prices in southern New England or are to reflect the milk
handling fee levied and imposed by Title 36, chapter 721. Title
5, section 8054, subsection 3, the 2nd sentence, does not apply
to minimum prices adopted under the this subsection. Due notice
of the public hearing must be given by publishing notice as
provided in Title 5, chapter 375. The commission shall hold such
a public hearing not less frequently than once every 12 months to
determine whether the minimum wholesale and retail prices then
established should be changed. In addition to the data received
through the implementation of the information gathering
procedures of its rules as a basis for its determinations, the
commission shall solicit and seek to receive oral and written
testimony at hearings to determine whether the minimum wholesale
and retail prices then established

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