LD 2055
pg. 35
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LR 3065
Item 1

subparagraph (1), for the year in which the project received
concept approval from the State Board of Education.

(1) The certificate of the Commissioner of Education
that a project qualifies for state school construction
aid and as to the state share percentage of operating
costs for that municipality as defined in Title 20-A,
section 15609 15672, subsection 1, paragraph A,
subparagraph (1) 31, for the year in which the project
received concept approval shall be is conclusive
evidence of the facts stated therein.

Sec. B-25. 34-A MRSA §1402, sub-§4, ķA, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459,
§6 and amended by PL 2005, c. 397, Pt. D, §3, is further amended
to read:

A. The commissioner shall establish and maintain suitable
courses for career and technical education in the
correctional facilities.

(1) The commissioner shall install equipment necessary to
carry out this duty.

(2) The commissioner shall employ suitable and qualified
instructors necessary to carry out this duty, subject
to the approval of the Associate Commissioner of the
Bureau of Vocational Education Department of Education.

Sec. B-26. 34-A MRSA §3001-A is enacted to read:

§3001-A.__Boards of visitors

1.__Appointment. The Governor shall appoint a board of 5
visitors for each correctional facility under the department, as
authorized by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 5.

A.__The terms of the members of the boards of visitors are
for 3 years.

B.__Members of the boards of visitors are eligible for
reappointment at the expiration of their terms.

C.__A member of the Legislature or an employee of the
department may not serve on any board of visitors.

D.__At least one member of each board must be a person
licensed by this State to provide mental health services.

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