LD 2055
pg. 25
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LR 3065
Item 1

D. In determining enrollee benefits under the program, to
the extent possible, the department shall give equitable
treatment to coverage of prescription medications for
cancer, Alzheimer's disease and behavioral health.

E. The department is authorized to provide funding for the
program by using funds appropriated or allocated to provide
prescription drugs under sections 254 254-D and 258.

F. The department is authorized to amend the waiver or
adjust program requirements as necessary to take advantage
of enhanced federal matching funds that may become

G. If, upon thorough analysis, the department determines
that a waiver under this subsection is not feasible or would
not significantly benefit participants in the elderly low-
cost drug program, the department may decide not to pursue
the waiver. Within 30 days of a decision not to proceed
with a waiver and before taking action on that decision, the
department shall report to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services matters and shall provide a detailed analysis of
the reasons for reaching that decision.

Sec. A-73. Resolve 2005, c. 16, §2 is amended to read:

*Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Department of Administration
Administrative and Financial Services, Division of Purchases
shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local
Government by January 15, 2006 on the information obtained
pursuant to section 1.


Sec. B-1. 5 MRSA §1753, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 606, §2, is
amended to read:

4. Owner's representative an allowable cost. For purposes
of this section, the owner's representative is a subsidizable
cost eligible for subsidy in accordance with Title 20-A, sections
15603 15672 and 15901, only if the local unit pays 50% of the
costs of the employment of an owner's representative.

Sec. B-2. 9-A MRSA §1-301, sub-§22-A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 164,
§1, is amended to read:

22-A. "Loan officer" means an individual who is employed or
retained and supervised by a licensed supervised lender that is
not a supervised financial organization, or by a registered
services organization licensed loan broker, whose primary

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