LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

Sec. A-61. 36 MRSA §191, sub-§2, ¶CC, as amended by PL 2005, c. 332,
§8; c. 395, §2; and c. 396, §6, is repealed and the following
enacted in its place:

CC.__The disclosure to an authorized representative of the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation of
information necessary for the administration of Title 10,
chapter 222;

Sec. A-62. 36 MRSA §191, sub-§2, ¶FF, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 332,
§9, is amended to read:

FF. The disclosure to the Department of the Secretary of
State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles of whether the person
seeking registration of a vehicle has paid the tax imposed
by Part 3 with respect to that vehicle; and

Sec. A-63. 36 MRSA §191, sub-§2, ¶GG, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 332,
§9, is amended to read:

GG. The disclosure to the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife, Bureau of Administrative Services of whether the
person seeking registration of a snowmobile, all-terrain
vehicle or watercraft has paid the tax imposed by Part 3
with respect to that snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or

Sec. A-64. 36 MRSA §191, sub-§2, ¶HH, as reallocated by RR 2005, c. 1,
§18, is amended to read:

HH. The disclosure to an authorized representative of a
municipality that has adopted a municipal property tax
assistance program under chapter 907-A of information
related to a claimant's receipt of benefits under chapter
907. This paragraph does not authorize the disclosure of a
claimant's income. A municipality receiving information
under this paragraph shall keep the information
confidential.; and

Sec. A-65. 36 MRSA §1603, sub-§1, ¶A, as amended by PL 1995, c. 565,
§1, is further amended to read:

A. The cost of education, as would be determined by the
Maine School Finance Act of 1995 Essential Programs and
Services Funding Act if the unorganized territory were a

Sec. A-66. PL 2005, c. 12, Pt. III, §35, amending clause is amended to read:

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