LD 1741
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LR 2790
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S.P. 658 - L.D. 1741

An Act To Encourage Reporting of Potential Fraud, Waste,

Inefficiency and Abuse in State Government

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 3 MRSA §995, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Coordination with State Auditor; complaints alleging
fraud, waste, inefficiency or abuse.__The director may access
confidential information disclosed by the State Auditor under
Title 5, section 244-D, subsection 3 in order to ensure
appropriate agency referral or coordination between agencies to
respond appropriately to all complaints made under Title 5,
section 244-D.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §244-D is enacted to read:

§244-D.__Referral service; confidentiality; public records

1.__Identity confidential.__The identity of a person making a
complaint alleging fraud, waste, inefficiency or abuse through a
hotline or other referral service established by the State
Auditor for the confidential reporting of fraud, waste,
inefficiency and abuse in State Government is confidential and
may not be disclosed, unless the person making the complaint
agrees in writing to the disclosure of that person's name.

2.__Contents of complaint confidential.__A complaint alleging
fraud, waste, inefficiency or abuse made through a hotline or
other referral service established by the State Auditor for the
confidential reporting of fraud, waste, inefficiency and abuse in
State Government and any resulting investigation is confidential
and may not be disclosed except as provided in subsections 3 and

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