LD 1381
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LR 1263
Item 1

the department on or before October 1, 2008, and the
number of teachers used in computing minimum salary
adjustments in a qualifying school administrative unit
for each subsequent fiscal year must be based on the
local staff information data supplied to the department
on or before each subsequent October 1st for the teachers
who were first eligible to receive the minimum salary
adjustment in the qualifying school administrative unit
for the 2008-2009 school year.

(3)__The department shall collect the necessary data to
allow the adjustments as supplemental monthly payments
in fiscal year 2008-09 and any subsequent fiscal year
for the salary adjustments to be paid on or before
February 1, 2009 and any subsequent February 1st.

(4)__The minimum salary adjustments made under this
subsection must be issued to the qualifying school
administrative units as an adjustment to the state
school subsidy for distribution to the teachers.__
Minimum salary adjustments for teachers must be
included in the qualifying school administrative unit's
monthly subsidy checks.

C.__The amounts required to meet the employer's share of
teacher retirement costs attributable to payments in fiscal
year 2008-09 and each subsequent fiscal year must be
allocated to the Maine State Retirement System in the
appropriate year.

8.__Payments for minimum salary adjustments.__Qualifying
school administrative units shall use the payments provided under
this section to provide minimum salary adjustments for teachers
in accordance with subsection 7 and section 13406.

Sec. 10. PL 2005, c. 519, Pt. J, §6 is amended to read:

Sec.* J-6. Total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12. The
total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade
12 for fiscal year 2006-07 is as follows:



Total Operating Allocation

Total operating allocation pursuant to the

Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section

15683 without transition percentage$1,326,135,418


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