LD 1822
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LR 2879
Item 1

The docket must be reestablished annually by the commission and the
docket for any year must be maintained and be available for public
inspection in the office of the commission for 4 years from the
expiration of the docket.

2. Disclosure website. The commission shall develop and
maintain a publicly accessible website that displays:

A. A list of all persons who have employed a lobbyist during
the current year;

B. A list of all lobbyists and lobbyist associates
registered for the year;

C. A profile of each registered lobbyist and lobbyist
associate, including contact information, the name of the
lobbyist's employer or employers and, if provided by the
lobbyist or lobbyist associate, a photograph of the lobbyist
or lobbyist associate;

D. A profile of each person employing a lobbyist, including
contact information for the employer, and a list of
lobbyists and lobbyist associates engaged by the employer;

E. For each employer, a list of all legislative actions that
have been the subject of lobbying for the year, including
hyperlinks to the summary page of the Legislature's publicly
accessible website for each legislative document listed.

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