LD 1857
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LR 2686
Item 1

municipality in which the time-share estates are located. No
withdrawal may be made from the escrow account without the written
agreement of the municipality.

Prior to the delinquency date established by the municipality in
which the time-share estates are located, the managing entity
shall pay to the municipal tax collector all money deposited in
the escrow account for the purpose of tax payment. If the amount
paid from the escrow account is not sufficient to discharge all
taxes and tax-related costs, due and owing, the managing entity
shall pay the difference and place a lien on those time-share
estates whose owners have not contributed to the escrow account
as provided in section 594, and, if pay the outstanding amount no
later than 30 days after the date it has collected the taxes and
costs from the delinquent owner or has foreclosed the lien and
sold the time-share estate to a new owner or 10 months from the
date of commitment, whichever is earlier.__If requested by the
municipality, the managing entity shall provide a list
identifying those owners and their interests, including the
periods of ownership, to the municipal tax collector, who may
then proceed to collect the taxes on those interests as allowed
by law.

If the tax collector and treasurer use the lien procedure
described in Title 36, sections 942, 942-A and 943 to collect
delinquent taxes on time-share estates, whenever a notice called
for by Title 36, section 942, 942-A or 943 is sent to a time-
share estate owner, the tax collector and treasurer shall give to
the managing entity or leave at the managing entity's last and
usual place of abode or send to the managing entity by certified
mail, return receipt requested, either a copy of the notice sent
to the time-share estate owner or a notice that lists all time-
share estate owners to whom notices have been delivered. For
sending the notice or notices to the managing entity, the tax
collector or treasurer is entitled to receive $5 plus all
certified mail, return receipt requested fees, plus the cost of
any photocopying.

Sec. 3. Application. This Act applies to taxes assessed based on the
status of property on or after April 1, 2006.

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