LD 1951
pg. 5
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LR 2882
Item 1

report or financial statement with supporting schedules, as the
case may be, and achieving this improvement in timeliness within
existing personnel and other resources.

By January 15, 2008, the department shall report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
health and human services matters on the department's findings
concerning the feasibility of meeting the goals set forth in this
subsection. If the department finds that these goals cannot be
met, the department shall further report on the period of time
within which audits can regularly be completed using existing
resources and the estimated additional resources required to
achieve the goal of issuing all audit or examination reports
within 12 months.

2. Training and technical assistance for providers. The
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Audit for
MaineCare and Social Services shall review, in consultation with
representatives of mental health, mental retardation, substance
abuse and long-term care providers, its existing programs of
training for providers to determine whether those programs are
sufficient to provide complete and current information, on an
ongoing basis, regarding the process of auditing cost reports and
agreement settlements and the substantive standards and
interpretations to be applied in conducting such audits. The
office shall identify, with reasonable frequency, the
programmatic changes needed to ensure that sufficient training is
available to all categories of care providers and to independent
public accountants providing services to such providers and that
a system is in place to make available to providers, on request,
knowledgeable members of its staff to provide such technical
assistance as providers may require in order to achieve
compliance with the standards applied by the office. By January
15, 2008, the department shall report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and
human services matters on its findings and on the dates by which
the necessary programmatic changes will be implemented.

3. Consistency in cost reimbursement. The Department of
Health and Human Services shall review its rules governing cost
reimbursement of health care providers to identify the
substantial inconsistencies among those rules in the definitions
of "ordinary," "necessary" and "reasonable" costs that are
allowable and the criteria concerning and the limitations on
reimbursement thereof, including the assignment of costs to
various rate components. The department shall consult with
providers and report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services
matters regarding methods and procedures that the department may
adopt and follow to ensure that consistency among these rules is

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