LD 1985
pg. 3
Page 2 of 29 PUBLIC Law Chapter 563 Page 4 of 29
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LR 3053
Item 1

C.__A drug, regardless of how harmless or innocuous, that
interferes with the detection of any other prohibited
substance; or

D.__A metabolite or derivative of a prohibited substance.

12. Stipend.__"Stipend" means an amount distributed from the
Stipend Fund or the Fair Fund to a qualifying fair licensee.

13.__Stipend Fund. "Stipend Fund" means the fund receiving
money in accordance with Title 8, sections 286 and 287 to provide
aid and encouragement to fair licensees.

14. Trainer. "Trainer" means a person who has the
responsibility for the care, training, custody or performance of
an animal, including, but not limited to, any person who signs an
entry blank for an event.

§82.__Commissioner's duties and powers

1. Licensing and apportionment. The commissioner shall issue
fair licenses in accordance with section 83.__The commissioner
shall apportion annually the stipend due from the Stipend Fund
and the Fair Fund to qualified fair licensees.

2. Administration of Stipend Fund and Fair Fund.__In
administering the provisions of this chapter pertaining to the
Stipend Fund and the Fair Fund, the commissioner shall:

A.__Issue blanks for a licensee or the appropriate officer
of a licensee to submit information necessary for the
commissioner to obtain full knowledge of the licensee's work
for each year;

B.__Certify to the Governor the amount of stipend due a
licensee; and

C.__Make distributions from the Stipend Fund and the Fair
Fund in accordance with this chapter.

3.__Authority to summons.__The commissioner may summon and
examine on oath an officer or director of any entity holding a
fair license or any person whose testimony the commissioner
considers necessary in the proper discharge of the commissioner's
duties under this chapter.__The commissioner may require
witnesses to offer for examination books or records in their
custody or control that the commissioner considers necessary for
the performance of the commissioner's duties.

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