LD 1985
pg. 23
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LR 3053
Item 1

conducted at the extended meets of all racing licensees during
that calendar year.

Licensees sharing in this distribution shall use 1/2 of the
funds so received for the purpose of supplementing the purse

C. The remaining 20% of the total amount in excess of
$400,000 must be credited to the Stipend Fund as provided in
Title 7, section 62 86.

Sec. 8. 8 MRSA §295, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2001, c. 567, §5, is
further amended to read:

2. Distribution. On May 30th, September 30th and within 30
days after the close of all off-track betting facilities for the
year, amounts payable under subsection 1 for distribution in
accordance with this subsection must be distributed to all
commercial tracks that have provided simulcast transmission of
live racing in the State on any date and to those agricultural
fair associations that have provided simulcast transmission of
live racing in the State on the dates assigned by the
commissioner pursuant to Title 7, section 65 84. Distribution
must be in the proportion that the amount of exotic wagers placed
at off-track betting facilities on simulcast races from each
licensee up to the last day of the preceding month bears to the
total amount of exotic wagers at off-track betting facilities on
races simulcast from all commercial racetracks and agricultural
fair associations up to that date. The last payment of the
calendar year must be adjusted to reflect each licensee's exotic
wagers in proportion to the total of the exotic wagers at off-
track betting facilities in that calendar year.

Sec. 9. 8 MRSA §298, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 687, Pt. A, §3
and affected by Pt. B, §11, is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

2.__Distribution.__On April 30th, July 30th, October 30th and
January 30th of each year, all amounts credited to the fund
established by this section as of the last day of the preceding
month and not distributed before that day must be distributed to
each commercial track, as defined in section 275-A, subsection 1,
to each agricultural fair licensee that conducts live racing on
fair dates assigned by the commissioner pursuant to Title 7,
section 84 and to each agricultural fair licensee that conducts
an extended meet as long as that licensee conducted an extended
meet in 2005, with each commercial track and each agricultural
fair licensee receiving an amount of money determined by
multiplying the amount of money available for distribution times
a fraction, the numerator of which is the total number of live

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