LD 1985
pg. 16
Page 15 of 29 PUBLIC Law Chapter 563 Page 17 of 29
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LR 3053
Item 1

1. Permit required. A person or entity may not sponsor a
public or private pulling event between animals or pairs of
animals within the State without a permit from the commissioner
issued in accordance with this section and rules adopted pursuant
to this section.

2.__Application.__A person or entity shall make an application
for a permit in writing to the commissioner at least 10 days
prior to the date on which a pulling event is intended to take
place.__The applicant shall provide the name of the person or
entity conducting the event, the date and place the event is to
be held and the names of the pull superintendent and
superintendent assistants__appointed to officiate at the event.__
One application and one permit may include one or more separate
events when specified.__Permits granted under this section are
not transferable.

3.__Fees.__The commissioner shall charge a permit fee of $40
per pull day for an event sponsored by a person or entity
receiving a stipend under section 86.__The commissioner shall
charge a seasonal permit fee of $75 to a person or entity that
does not receive a stipend under section 86. The seasonal permit
covers all pulls conducted by that entity for the year in which
the permit is issued. All revenue derived from the permit fees
must be deposited in a nonlapsing dedicated account.

4.__Statutory rules.__A permit may not be issued under this
section unless the person or entity conducting the event has
adopted the following rules governing the conduct of each pulling

A.__All teamsters who are to compete in contests must have
their teams ready at the published starting time.__All
classes must be closed after the positions are drawn.__
Classes must start as nearly as possible to the published

B.__Check weighing must be allowed prior to the official
weigh-in.__All weighing must be done in the forenoon if
possible.__Teams must have on halters.__Horses and ponies
must have on shoes.

C.__Measuring must be in a straight line to the nearest
point on the drag.__Line-to-line measuring is allowed.__The
front of the drag must touch the line before turning.__To
get the full-line measure, the drag must be turned more than
1/2 way or the back of the drag must be over the line.

D.__Teams must stay hooked to the drag at all times.__
Unhitching and rehitching are not allowed.

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