LD 1770
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LD 1770 Title Page PUBLIC Law Chapter 511 Page 2 of 8
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LR 3004
Item 1


S.P. 687 - L.D. 1770

An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Licensure of Workers in

the Field of Radiologic Technology

Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts of the Legislature do not become
effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as
emergencies; and

Whereas, this legislation, which amends the laws governing
medical radiologic technology by clarifying the scope of practice
for this profession and by providing for reciprocal licensure for
qualified applicants from other jurisdictions, needs to take
effect as soon as possible to protect the health and safety of
the residents of this State; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §9852, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 524, is amended to

§9852. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates
otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings.

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