LD 1771
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LR 3016
Item 1

and shall inquire as to the juvenile facility to which the juvenile
will be transported. The commissioner has complete discretion to
make this determination. The commissioner or the commissioner's
designee shall immediately inform the court of the location of the
juvenile facility to which the juvenile will be transported.

Sec. 14. 17-A MRSA §1206, sub-§7-C, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 246, §7,
is amended to read:

7-C. The running of the period of probation is tolled upon
either the delivery of the summons, the filing of the written
notice with the court that the person can not be located or the
arrest of the person. If the motion is dismissed or withdrawn,
or if the court finds no violation of probation, the running of
the period of probation is deemed not to have been tolled. The
conditions of probation continue in effect during the tolling of
the running of the period of probation, and any violation of a
condition subjects the person to a revocation of probation
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

Sec. 15. 17-A MRSA §1206, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1983, c. 450, §9,
is further amended to read:

8. Whenever a person is detained in any state or county
institution pending a probation revocation proceeding, such and
not in execution of any other sentence of confinement, that
period of detention shall must be deducted from the time the
person is required to serve under that portion of the sentence
for which the suspension of execution was vacated as a result of
the probation revocation. A person who is simultaneously
detained for conduct for which the person receives a consecutive
term of imprisonment is not entitled to receive a day-for-day
deduction from the consecutive term of imprisonment for the
period of simultaneous detention except for any period of
detention that is longer than the prior term of imprisonment.

Sec. 16. 17-A MRSA §1253, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 706, Pt.
A, §6 and c. 711, Pt. A, §15, is further amended to read:

2. Each person sentenced to imprisonment who has previously
been detained for the conduct for which the sentence is imposed
in any state facility or county institution or facility or in any
local lockup awaiting trial, during trial, post-trial awaiting
sentencing or post-sentencing prior to the date on which the
sentence commenced to run either to await transportation to the
place of imprisonment specified, or pursuant to court order, and
not in execution of any other sentence of confinement, is
entitled to receive a day-for-day deduction from the total term
of imprisonment required under that sentence. Each person is

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