LD 1503
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LR 415
Item 1

3. Money received. All money received from any bonds issued
must be applied solely for loans to municipalities or local
development corporations for community speculative industrial
buildings, for the construction of proposed commercial facilities
and improvement of existing or acquired commercial facilities and
for the fulfillment of other undertakings that are within the
power of the authority. There is created a lien upon the money
until so applied in favor of the bondholders or any member of the
board of trustees as may be provided in respect of the bonds.

Sec. 16. 5 MRSA §13120-J, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 703, §6,
is amended to read:

1. Acquisition of interest. A member of the board of
trustees or employee of the authority may not acquire or hold a
direct or an indirect personal financial or personal interest in:

A. An authority activity;

B. Property or facilities included, planned to be included
or expected to directly benefit from an authority activity;

C. A contract or proposed contract in connection with an
authority activity.

When an acquisition is involuntary, the interest acquired must be
disclosed immediately in writing to the board of trustees and the
disclosure must be entered in the board of trustees' minutes.

Sec. 17. 5 MRSA §13120-N, as amended by PL 2003, c. 281, §§5 and 6,
is further amended to read:

§13120-N. Speculative industrial building program

The authority may assist a municipality or local development
corporation to construct a community speculative industrial
building by loaning the municipality or local development
corporation money for construction or carrying costs or both for
the project, subject to the following.

1. Project. The following conditions apply to a project
receiving money under this section.

A. The project must be within the scope of this subchapter,
must be of public use and benefit and must reasonably be
expected to accomplish one or more of the following:

(1) Create new employment opportunities;

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