LD 1433
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LR 377
Item 1

required to register in this State pursuant to section 11223,
section 11224 or both.

A.__A 10-year registrant shall register in this State for a
period of 10 years if, pursuant to the other jurisdiction's
sex offender registration statute, the registration period
is for a period of years rather than for a lifetime.__The
10-year period commences from the date the person in fact
initially registers in this State once the legal duty to
register arises under section 11223, section 11224 or both.__
However, the 10-year registrant may receive day-for-day
credit for the time actually registered pursuant to the
other jurisdiction's sex offender registration statutes
prior to registering in this State upon applying to the
bureau for credit.__The bureau may grant credit if the
registrant provides sufficient documentation in accordance
with any rules adopted by the bureau.

B.__A 10-year registrant shall register for a period of 10
years if registration was not required in that other
jurisdiction and the person was sentenced on or after
January 1, 1982 in that jurisdiction for a crime that
includes the essential elements of a sex offense.__The 10-
year period is calculated by applying subsection 1,
paragraph B, subparagraphs (1) to (4) but interpreted and
applied to take into account substantially similar
sentencing alternatives imposed in the other jurisdiction.

3.__Lifetime registrant convicted and sentenced in this State.__
A lifetime registrant sentenced on or after January 1, 1982 in
this State shall register for the duration of that registrant's

4.__Lifetime registrant convicted and sentenced in another
jurisdiction.__The following provisions apply to a lifetime
registrant convicted and sentenced in another jurisdiction and
required to register in this State pursuant to section 11223,
section 11224 or both.

A.__A person shall register in this State for the duration
of that person's life if, pursuant to that other
jurisdiction's sex offender registration statute, the
registration period is for a lifetime.

B.__A person shall register in this State for the duration of
that person's life if no registration was required in that other
jurisdiction and the person was sentenced on or after January 1,
1982 in that jurisdiction for a crime that includes the essential
elements of a sexually violent offense or the person has 2 or
more prior convictions in

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