LD 1433
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LR 377
Item 1

enforcement agency shall supervise the completion of the form, take
the person's fingerprints and immediately forward the form,
photograph and fingerprints to the bureau.

Sec. 20. 34-A MRSA §11224, as amended by PL 2003, c. 711, Pt. C,
§22 and affected by Pt. D, §2, is repealed and the following
enacted in its place:

§11224.__Duty of person employed or attending college or school

The following provisions govern registration duties for a
person not domiciled or residing in this State but who is
employed or attending college or school in this State.

1. Time.__A person who has been sentenced in a jurisdiction
other than this State and who is required under that jurisdiction
to register pursuant to that jurisdiction's sex offender
registration statute or would have been required to register if
the person had remained in that jurisdiction or, if not so
required, who has been sentenced on or after January 1, 1982 for
an offense that includes the essential elements of a sex offense
or a sexually violent offense shall register as a 10-year
registrant or lifetime registrant, whichever is applicable,
within 5 days and shall notify the law enforcement agency having

A.__Within 24 hours of beginning full-time or part-time
employment, with or without compensation, for more than 14
consecutive days or for an aggregate period exceeding 30
days in a calendar year in this State; or

B.__Within 24 hours of beginning college or school on a
full-time or part-time basis in this State.

2.__Process for notifying bureau.__The person under subsection
1 shall contact the bureau, which shall provide the person with a
registration form and direct the person to take the form and a
photograph of the person to the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction. The law enforcement agency shall supervise the
completion of the form, take the person's fingerprints and
immediately forward the form, photograph and fingerprints to the

Sec. 21. 34-A MRSA §11225, as amended by PL 2003, c. 711, Pt. C, §23
and affected by Pt. D, §2, is repealed.

Sec. 22. 34-A MRSA §11225-A is enacted to read:

§11225-A.__Duration of registration

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