LD 1266
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LR 2068
Item 1

registrar may only provide information concerning voters registered
within that municipal jurisdiction.

7.__Restrictions on use and redistribution of data.__
Information obtained from the central voter registration system
pursuant to this section may not be used for any commercial
purpose, including, but not limited to, the sales and marketing
of products and services, or for solicitations of any kind not
directly related to activities of a political party, so-called
"get out the vote" efforts or activities directly related to a
campaign as defined in section 1052.__Any person obtaining
information from the central voter registration system is
prohibited from selling or distributing it to others to use for
commercial purposes and also is prohibited from making publicly
available the dates of birth or mailing addresses of individual
voters. This subsection does not prohibit political parties,
party committees, candidate committees, political action
committees or any other organizations that have purchased
information from the central voter registration system from
providing access to such information to their members for
purposes directly related to party activities, get out the vote
efforts or a campaign as defined in section 1052.

8.__Limited access for law enforcement purposes.__Any
information pertaining to individual voters, other than Address
Confidentiality Program participants, that is contained in the
central voter registration system may be made available free of
charge to a law enforcement officer or agency that makes a
written request to use the information for a bona fide law
enforcement purpose or to a person identified by a court order if
directed by that order.__Information pertaining to individual
voters who are Address Confidentiality Program participants that
is contained in the central voter registration system may be made
available for inspection to a law enforcement agency that is
authorized by the Secretary of State pursuant to Title 5, section
90-B to obtain Address Confidentiality Program information.

9.__Secretary of State to report.__By March 15, 2007, the
Secretary of State shall issue a report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over voter
registration matters, including suggested legislation, with
regard to public access to the information from the central voter
registration system, taking into consideration the compelling
state interests to prevent voter fraud and the potential
disenfranchisement of voters and to ensure that voters are not
discouraged from participating in the voting process.__The
committee is authorized to introduce legislation based on
information contained in the report to the First Regular Session
of the 123rd Legislature.

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