LD 1577
pg. 14
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LR 1479
Item 1

health insurance by establishing a nonprofit health care plan or
through an existing public plan without specific legislative

3. Carrier participation requirements. To qualify as a carrier
of Dirigo Health Insurance Program coverage, a health insurance
carrier must:

A. Provide the comprehensive health services and benefits
as determined by the board, including a standard benefit
package that meets the requirements for mandated coverage
for specific health services, specific diseases and for
certain providers of health services under Title 24 and this
Title and any supplemental benefits the board wishes to make
available; and

B. Ensure that:

(1) Providers contracting with a carrier contracted to
provide coverage to plan enrollees do not charge plan
enrollees or 3rd parties for covered health care
services in excess of the amount allowed by the carrier
the provider has contracted with, except for applicable
copayments, deductibles or coinsurance or as provided
in section 4204, subsection 6;

(2) Providers contracting with a carrier contracted to
provide coverage to plan enrollees do not refuse to
provide services to a plan enrollee on the basis of
health status, medical condition, previous insurance
status, race, color, creed, age, national origin,
citizenship status, gender, sexual orientation,
disability or marital status. This subparagraph may
not be construed to require a provider to furnish
medical services that are not within the scope of that
provider's license; and

(3) Providers contracting with a carrier contracted to
provide coverage to plan enrollees are reimbursed at
the negotiated reimbursement rates between the carrier
and its provider network.

Health insurance carriers that seek to qualify to provide Dirigo
Health Insurance Program coverage must also qualify as health
plans in Medicaid.

4. Contracting authority. Dirigo Health has contracting
authority and powers to administer Dirigo Health Insurance as set
out in this subsection.

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