LD 1577
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LR 1479
Item 1

B. Following a public hearing held in accordance with the
Maine Administrative Procedure Act and no later than 6 weeks
following the effective date of this Act, the Superintendent
of Insurance shall issue an order approving, in whole or in
part, or disapproving the filing made under paragraph A. The
board is designated a party to the hearing. The
superintendent shall approve the filing upon a determination
that the aggregate measurable cost savings filed by the board
are reasonably supported by the evidence in the record.

Sec. B-3. Funding Dirigo Health administrative expenses. General
administrative expenses of Dirigo Health, excluding
administrative expenses directly associated with the Maine
Quality Forum established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
24-A, section 6951, may be covered by the remaining balance of
the $53,000,000 in funds transferred from the unappropriated
surplus of the General Fund to the Dirigo Health Fund pursuant to
Public Law 2003, chapter 469, Part H, section 1 and may not be
covered by savings offset payments in accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 6913, subsection 2.
Following receipt and review of the recommendations of the
working group, established in section 1, regarding a funding
strategy for Dirigo Health's administrative expenses and no later
than February 15, 2006, the Board of Directors of Dirigo Health
shall submit its recommendations, including any suggested
legislation, for funding administrative expenses to the Joint
Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services.
Following receipt and review of the board's recommendation, the
committee may report out a bill related to funding Dirigo
Health's administrative expenses to the Second Regular Session of
the 122nd Legislature.


Sec. C-1. 22 MRSA §3174-V, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 469, Pt.
A, §7, is further amended to read:

2. Contracted services. When a federally qualified health
center otherwise meeting the requirements of subsection 1
contracts with a managed care plan or the Dirigo Health Insurance
Program for the provision of MaineCare services, the department
shall reimburse that center the difference between the payment
received by the center from the managed care plan or the Dirigo
Health Insurance Program and 100% of the reasonable cost, reduced
by the total copayments for which members are responsible,
incurred in providing services within the scope of service
approved by the federal Health Resources and Services
Administration or the commissioner. Any such managed care

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