LD 216
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LR 275
Item 1

2. Conflict of interest. In addition to the limitations
imposed under Title 5, section 18, the following conflict of
interest restrictions apply.

A. A member of the commission appointed under subsection 1,
paragraph B may not, at the time of appointment or while
serving as a member of the commission, have a business or
professional relationship or connection with or a financial
interest in any producer, dealer, store or other person
whose activities are subject to the jurisdiction of the
commission.__The retail purchase of milk for consumption is
not a violation of this paragraph.

B. An employee of the commission may not have a business or
professional relationship or connection with or a financial
interest in any producer, dealer, store or other person
whose activities are subject to the jurisdiction of the
commission.__The retail purchase of milk for consumption is
not a violation of this paragraph.

C. A member or employee of the commission may not render, or
be a member of a firm that renders, any professional or
other service for or against a producer, dealer, store or
other person whose activities are subject to the
jurisdiction of the commission.

3. Terms; vacancies. Members of the commission appointed under
subsection 1, paragraph B serve for a term of 4 years or until
their successors are duly appointed and qualified, except that
the initial terms of these members are for one, 2, 3 and 4 years
so that the terms of the members of the commission are staggered.

A vacancy in the membership of the commission must be filled by
appointment by the Governor.

4. Chair; employees and resources. The members of the
commission shall elect a chair. With the approval of the
commission, the commissioner may employ, subject to the Civil
Service Law, a secretary and such officers, clerks, assistants
and other employees as the commission determines necessary. To
the extent possible, the commission shall make use of
professional, expert or other resources available within the
various departments of State Government, including, but not
limited to, the department, the Department of Health and Human
Services and the Department of the Attorney General, and such
departments shall, as resources allow, provide necessary and
appropriate services at the request of the commission.__To the
extent these services are not available or otherwise adequate,

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