LD 1671
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LR 2362
Item 1

combination with any one or more of the following data elements,
when either the name or the data elements are not encrypted or

A.__Social security number;

B.__Driver's license number or state identification card

C.__Account number, credit card number or debit card number,
if circumstances exist wherein such a number could be used
without additional identifying information, access codes or

D.__Account passwords or personal identification numbers or
other access codes; or

E.__Any of the data elements contained in paragraphs A to D
when not in connection with the individual's first name, or
first initial, and last name, if the information if
compromised would be sufficient to permit a person to
fraudulently assume or attempt to assume the identity of the
person whose information was compromised.

"Personal information" does not include publicly available
information that is lawfully made available to the general public
from federal, state or local government records or widely
distributed media.

7.__System.__"System" means a computerized data storage system
containing personal information.

8.__Unauthorized person.__"Unauthorized person" means a person
who does not have authority or permission of an information
broker to access personal information maintained by the
information broker or who obtains access to such information by
fraud, misrepresentation, subterfuge or similar deceptive

§1348.__Security breach notice requirements

1.__Notification to residents.__An information broker that
maintains computerized data that includes personal information
shall give notice of a breach of the security of the system
following discovery or notification of the security breach to a
resident of this State whose personal information was, or is
reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized
person. The notice must be made as expediently as possible and
without unreasonable delay, consistent with the legitimate needs
of law enforcement pursuant to subsection 3 or with measures

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